To drive these I needed a new driver. I was going to go with the FlexModP3 but after waiting for several weeks for my order I ended up building my own. I built a driver based on the StanHam design. I added a beefier output transistor and SMT components that I could source. I'll talk about this more in a future post.
To show off the new laser wrote a short script that parses a gerber file from Kicad and produces a g-code file for EMC. This allows me to create a stencil for SMT work at the office. The result in paper was quite good!
I'll need to find a suitable material to cut, Mylar is the way to go apparently. I'm hoping that overhead projector sheets will work.
I am reading this about two years later so you probably already have it figured out that the new 445nm diodes cut mylar transparency sheets great for making smt solder stencils. Check out my blog post here on how to do it: